Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida: Provides reproductive healthcare services, including contraception, STI testing, cancer screenings, abortion services, and comprehensive sexual education. Website: https://www.myplannedparenthood.org/
Hope & Help: Offers HIV testing, prevention education, counseling, support services, and medical case management for individuals living with HIV/AIDS. Website: https://www.hopeandhelp.org/
Zebra Coalition: Provides support and resources for LGBTQ+ youth, including mental health counseling, substance abuse support, housing assistance, and healthcare referrals. Website: https://zebrayouth.org/
Central Florida LGBTQ+ Health Center: Offers medical and mental health services with a focus on LGBTQ+ individuals, including hormone therapy, primary care, and counseling. Website: https://www.cflgbtqhealth.org/
The Center Orlando: Provides LGBTQ+ community support, including mental health counseling, support groups, HIV testing, and referrals to healthcare services. Website: https://www.thecenterorlando.org/
Shepherd's Hope: Offers free medical and dental care to uninsured and underinsured individuals in Central Florida through volunteer healthcare providers. Website: https://shepherdshope.org/
Primary Care Access Network (PCAN) of Central Florida: Helps uninsured individuals access primary healthcare services through a network of volunteer healthcare providers and community clinics. Website: http://www.pcan.cfhn.org/
Health Care Center for the Homeless: Provides comprehensive healthcare services, including primary care, mental health counseling, substance abuse treatment, and case management for homeless individuals. Website: https://hcch.org/
Orange County Medical Society: Represents physicians in Orange County and advocates for quality healthcare, access to care, and health policy issues. Website: https://www.ocms.org/
Osceola Community Health Services: Offers affordable healthcare services, including primary care, dental care, mental health counseling, and pharmacy services for low-income individuals and families in Osceola County. Website: http://www.osceolachc.org/
Coalition for the Homeless of Central Florida: Provides emergency shelter, transitional housing, and supportive services for homeless individuals and families. Website: https://www.centralfloridahomeless.org/
Habitat for Humanity of Greater Orlando: Builds and rehabilitates affordable homes for low-income families in need of decent housing. Website: https://habitatorlando.org/
Community Hope Center: Assists individuals and families in crisis with emergency financial aid, housing assistance, and case management. Website: https://hope192.com/
Homeless Services Network of Central Florida: Coordinates and advocates for a comprehensive system of care for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Website: https://hsncfl.org/
United Against Poverty: Provides access to food, crisis stabilization services, case management, and transitional housing support for individuals and families in need. Website: https://unitedagainstpoverty.org/
Community Legal Services of Mid-Florida: Offers legal assistance and advocacy for tenants facing eviction or other housing-related issues. Website: https://www.clsmf.org/
Goodwill Industries of Central Florida: Provides housing assistance programs, including affordable housing initiatives and supportive services for individuals and families in need. Website: https://www.goodwillcfl.org/
The Sharing Center: Offers emergency financial assistance, rental and utility assistance, and transitional housing support for individuals and families in Seminole County. Website: https://www.thesharingcenter.org/
Osceola County Community Development Division: Administers programs to promote affordable housing, including down payment assistance and rehabilitation programs. Website: https://www.osceola.org/agencies-departments/community-development/
Orange County Housing and Community Development Division: Provides rental assistance, homeownership programs, and resources for affordable housing in Orange County. Website: https://www.orangecountyfl.net/Housing.aspx
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU): A nationwide organization that focuses on defending and preserving individual rights and liberties. They handle cases related to civil rights, free speech, reproductive rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and more. Website: https://www.aclu.org/
Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC): Dedicated to fighting hate, bigotry, and advocating for social justice. They provide legal representation and advocacy on issues such as immigrant rights, racial justice, and LGBTQ+ rights. Website: https://www.splcenter.org/
Legal Aid Society: A nonprofit organization that provides free legal assistance to low-income individuals and families. They offer representation in various areas of law, including housing, employment, family law, and public benefits. Website: Varies by location. Here is an example: https://www.legalaidocba.org/
National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR): Focuses on advancing LGBTQ+ equality through litigation, policy advocacy, and public education. They provide legal assistance on issues such as LGBTQ+ rights, family law, and discrimination. Website: https://www.nclrights.org/
Lambda Legal: A nonprofit organization dedicated to achieving full recognition of the civil rights of LGBTQ+ individuals and people living with HIV. They offer legal representation and advocacy in areas such as discrimination, marriage equality, and healthcare access. Website: https://www.lambdalegal.org/
Morgan & Morgan: Known for their progressive stances and commitment to social justice causes, they are a prominent law firm that handles various areas of law, including personal injury, civil rights, employment discrimination, and consumer protection. Website: https://www.forthepeople.com/
Central Florida Jobs with Justice: Central Florida Jobs with Justice is a coalition of labor unions, community organizations, and student groups that advocates for workers' rights and economic justice. They provide resources, support, and advocacy for workers facing issues such as wage theft, unfair labor practices, and discrimination. Website: https://www.cfljwj.org/
Florida Department of Economic Opportunity - Division of Workforce Services: The Division of Workforce Services provides information and assistance regarding labor laws, unemployment benefits, wage and hour issues, workplace safety, and more. They offer resources for both workers and employers in Florida. Website: http://www.floridajobs.org/
Central Florida AFL-CIO: The Central Florida AFL-CIO is a federation of labor unions representing workers across various industries. They advocate for workers' rights, organize campaigns, and provide support to union members in the region. Website: https://www.centralflaflcio.org/
Florida Legal Services - Migrant Farmworker Justice Project: The Migrant Farmworker Justice Project is a program of Florida Legal Services that focuses on protecting the rights of migrant and seasonal farmworkers. They provide legal assistance, advocacy, and education to address issues such as wage theft, workplace safety, and labor exploitation. Website: https://floridajusticetechnologycenter.org/migrant-farmworker-justice-project/
Community Legal Services of Mid-Florida: Community Legal Services of Mid-Florida offers legal aid and representation to low-income individuals in various areas, including employment law. They provide resources and assistance for workers facing wage disputes, discrimination, wrongful termination, and other labor-related issues. Website: https://www.clsmf.org/
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) - Tampa Area Office: OSHA is a federal agency that ensures safe and healthy working conditions for employees. The Tampa Area Office covers Orange and Osceola counties and provides information, training, and resources on workplace safety standards, reporting violations, and filing complaints. Website: https://www.osha.gov/tampa/
Florida Workers' Advocates: Florida Workers' Advocates is a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting and advancing the rights of injured workers. They provide legal resources, education, and advocacy to ensure fair treatment and access to benefits for workers injured on the job. Website: https://floridaworkers.org/
Catholic Charities of Central Florida: Catholic Charities offers immigration services and support to individuals and families in need. They provide assistance with applications for visas, citizenship, green cards, family reunification, and other immigration-related matters. Website: https://cflcc.org/immigration-and-refugee-services/
Florida Immigrant Coalition (FLIC): FLIC is a statewide coalition that advocates for immigrant rights and provides support to immigrant communities. They offer resources, legal referrals, and community education on immigration issues. Website: https://floridaimmigrant.org/
Asian American Chamber of Commerce of Central Florida (AACC): The AACC provides support and resources to Asian immigrants and businesses in the region. They offer networking opportunities, business development programs, and advocacy for the Asian immigrant community. Website: https://www.asianamericanchambercfl.org/
The Center for Multicultural Wellness and Prevention: The Center provides culturally sensitive health and wellness services to immigrant and refugee communities. They offer educational workshops, mental health support, and resources on navigating the healthcare system. Website: https://www.multiculturalwellness.org/
Legal Aid Society of the Orange County Bar Association: The Legal Aid Society provides legal assistance to low-income individuals, including immigrants, on various legal matters. They offer immigration legal services, including consultations, representation, and assistance with applications. Website: https://www.legalaidocba.org/
Hope CommUnity Center: The Hope CommUnity Center is a non-profit organization that provides comprehensive support to immigrant and refugee families. They offer immigration legal services, English language classes, advocacy, and community resources. Website: https://www.hcc-offm.org/
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) - Orlando Field Office: The USCIS Orlando Field Office provides immigration services, including application processing, interviews, and information on immigration benefits. They can assist with inquiries and provide updates on case statuses.
Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida: Second Harvest Food Bank operates in Orange, Osceola, and other counties, providing food assistance to individuals and families in need. They offer various programs, including food pantries, mobile food distributions, and access to community resources. Website: https://www.feedhopenow.org/
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP): SNAP, also known as food stamps, is a federal program that provides eligible individuals and families with financial assistance to purchase food. The Florida Department of Children and Families administers SNAP benefits in Orange and Osceola counties. Website: http://www.myflorida.com/accessflorida/
Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program: WIC is a nutrition program that supports low-income pregnant women, new mothers, and young children. It provides healthy food, nutrition education, and referrals to healthcare services. The Florida Department of Health administers the WIC program in Orange and Osceola counties. Website: http://orange.floridahealth.gov/programs-and-services/wellness-programs/wic.html
Community Food and Outreach Center: The Community Food and Outreach Center provides food assistance, emergency services, and educational programs to individuals and families in need. They offer a food pantry, hot meals, access to healthcare services, and employment assistance. Website: https://www.communityfoodoutreach.org/
Meals on Wheels Etc.: Meals on Wheels Etc. delivers hot meals to homebound seniors and individuals with disabilities. They offer nutritious meals, companionship, and support services to enhance the well-being of the elderly population. Website: https://mealsetc.org/
Orange County Public Schools - Free and Reduced-Price Meals: Orange County Public Schools provides free and reduced-price meals to eligible students through the National School Lunch Program. This program ensures that students have access to nutritious meals during the school year. Website: https://www.ocps.net/cms/One.aspx?portalId=54703&pageId=87134
Osceola County Council on Aging: The Osceola County Council on Aging offers various services to support older adults, including meal programs. They provide home-delivered meals, congregate dining, and nutritional counseling for seniors in the community. Website: https://osceolagenerations.org/
Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) - Department of Florida: The VFW is a national organization that provides support, advocacy, and resources to veterans. The Florida Department has numerous local posts throughout Central Florida. Website: http://www.vfwfl.org/
American Legion - Department of Florida: The American Legion is another well-known veterans organization that offers a variety of programs and services. The Florida Department has posts located in Central Florida. Website: https://www.floridalegion.org/
Disabled American Veterans (DAV) - Florida Department: DAV provides assistance to disabled veterans by helping them access benefits and services they are entitled to. The Florida Department has offices in several cities in Central Florida. Website: https://www.davfl.org/
Central Florida Veterans Memorial Park Foundation: This nonprofit organization is dedicated to honoring and supporting veterans. They maintain a veterans memorial park and provide resources and assistance to local veterans. Website: http://www.cfvmpf.org/
Orlando VA Medical Center: This is the local Veterans Affairs (VA) medical center in Orlando, Florida. They offer a range of healthcare services and support programs for veterans. Website: https://www.orlando.va.gov/
Florida Department of Veterans' Affairs: The state government agency provides information and assistance to veterans in Florida. They have regional offices in various locations throughout Central Florida. Website: http://floridavets.org/
Vet Center - Orlando: Vet Centers are community-based counseling centers that offer a variety of services to veterans and their families. The Orlando Vet Center provides readjustment counseling, outreach programs, and referral services. Website: https://www.va.gov/find-locations/facility/vc_2000V
Camaraderie Foundation: This nonprofit organization provides counseling, emotional, and financial support to post-9/11 veterans and their families. They have programs based in Central Florida. Website: https://www.camaraderiefoundation.org/
Veterans Legal Collaborative: This organization offers free legal services to veterans in Central Florida. They assist with issues such as VA benefits, disability claims, and other legal matters. Website: https://www.vetslegal.com/
Seminole County Veterans Services: This county-based service provides assistance to veterans residing in Seminole County, Florida. They help veterans access benefits, obtain resources, and navigate the VA system. Website: https://www.seminolecountyfl.gov/departments-services/community-services/veterans-services/
- United Way of Central Florida: Offers financial assistance programs and collaborates with partner agencies to provide services for education, health, and financial stability. Website: https://uwcf.org/
Community Hope Center: Assists individuals and families in crisis with emergency financial aid, food, housing assistance, and employment support. Website: https://hope192.com/
Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida: Provides food assistance to those facing hunger in the Central Florida region. Website: https://www.feedhopenow.org/
Heart of Florida United Way: Offers various community support programs, including emergency financial assistance, healthcare services, and job training. Website: https://www.hfuw.org/
Salvation Army - Central Florida Area Command: Provides emergency financial assistance, shelter, food, and other support services to individuals and families in need. Website: https://salvationarmyflorida.org/orlando/
Catholic Charities of Central Florida: Offers a range of services, including emergency financial assistance, food assistance, affordable housing programs, and counseling. Website: https://cflcc.org/
Coalition for the Homeless of Central Florida: Provides shelter, food, and support services for homeless individuals and families, including financial assistance programs. Website: https://www.centralfloridahomeless.org/
Foundation for Seminole State College: Offers scholarships and financial aid to students attending Seminole State College in Central Florida. Website: https://www.seminolestate.edu/foundation
Goodwill Industries of Central Florida: Provides employment services, vocational training, and financial literacy programs to individuals seeking self-sufficiency. Website: https://www.goodwillcfl.org/
The Sharing Center: Offers emergency financial assistance, food, clothing, and other support services to residents of Seminole County. Website: https://www.thesharingcenter.org/
Habitat for Humanity of Greater Orlando: Helps low-income individuals and families build and own affordable homes through financial assistance and sweat equity. Website: https://habitatorlando.org/
Central Florida LGBT+ Chamber of Commerce: The Central Florida LGBT+ Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to promoting business opportunities, economic growth, and advancement for LGBT+ and allied businesses in the region. They provide networking events, educational resources, and support for business owners. Website: https://www.cflchamber.com/
National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) Orlando: NAWBO Orlando is an organization that supports and empowers women entrepreneurs and business owners. They offer networking events, educational programs, mentoring opportunities, and advocacy for women in business. Website: https://nawboorlando.org/
The Florida Small Business Development Center at the University of Central Florida (SBDC at UCF): The SBDC at UCF provides resources, training, and counseling to small businesses in the area. They offer assistance with business planning, market research, financing, government contracting, and more. Website: https://ucf-sbdc.org/
Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Metro Orlando: The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Metro Orlando focuses on promoting and supporting Hispanic-owned businesses in the region. They offer networking opportunities, business development resources, and advocacy for the Hispanic business community. Website: https://hispanicchamber.net/
Sustainable Business Initiative (SBI) at the University of Central Florida: SBI at UCF supports businesses that prioritize sustainability and social responsibility. They provide resources and educational programs on sustainable business practices, environmental conservation, and social impact. Website: https://www.sbiucf.com/
African American Chamber of Commerce of Central Florida: The African American Chamber of Commerce of Central Florida aims to foster economic empowerment and growth for African American businesses in the area. They offer networking events, business development programs, and advocacy for African American entrepreneurs. Website: https://blackcommerce.org/
BusinessForce: BusinessForce is a business advocacy organization that focuses on promoting a favorable business climate and economic growth in Central Florida. They provide resources, networking opportunities, and engage in policy advocacy to support the interests of the business community. Website: https://businessforce.com/